Matt Was Here

Love, music, travel and literature. Take a trip through the places my mind has been.

"It's a dangerous business going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

-J.R.R Tolkien


Welcome to Matt Was Here! Whether your passion is music, books, video games, television or movies, it is encoded in your DNA as a human being to seek adventure and excitement. This is why celebrities are revered and world travelers are elevated to an almost legendary status. These people live the lives we dream of. The lives that we feel, as so called “normal people,” (imagine my fingers miming quotation marks) are not within our powers to attain. Movie stars party! Rock stars and writers create! And adventurers walk all the corners of the map, they climb the mountains we dream of standing atop of, and they wade through jungles so dense and so alien to our city and suburban lives that they seem to be of an entirely different world! We seek this. We get a glimpse of the adventure on every vacation to a tropical island or every ski trip but we are too afraid to actually leave the laid path to the true roads less traveled. We listen to the music and read the books of artists and marvel at their powers to create but we stifle our own creative spirits.

Escape with me! Let your imagination run wild! Create! Explore the vast reaches of your mind and I believe you will be surprised by what you find. Share in my stories and adventures. Share in the reality and the fantasy and let us continue to build a world of inspiration!

Featured Video: Ellora Caves, Aurangabad, India

My journeys once brought to a place called Mumbai! Once called Bombay, this city is teaming with classic European influenced architecture. But near by in the Ellora and Ajanta caves there sits thousand year old temples and monuments that were hewn out of the very mountain sides! Buddhist, Hindu and Jain temples were cut out of the rocks making the most amazing cave structures I have ever seen! Well worth a visit to India!